Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fishing Trip

Harrison and I went fishing Wednesday, our first outing of the year. After buying a one day licenses went hit Saratoga Lake about 40 miles south of Rawlins. Didnt catch or have any bites so we drive up to Mirror Lake about 20 miles south east. We spotted a few brown trout and had a couple bites but again no luck. We didnt stay very long up in the mountains since it was 36 degrees and quite windy, hence Harrion's winter coat and hat! We ended the day back at Saratoga Lake for a few more casts off the dock. Overall a fun day. Enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Harrison's 4th Birthday!

Today is Harrison's 4th birthday. He got a few presents this morning, boy was he excited to see those when he first woke up. Then today at school his classmates sang happy birthday to him and played games. This evening we ate pizza and had brownies to top it off! Harrison told us he really liked all calls he got today from everyone. Thanks! Enjoy the pictures. Harrison and I are going fishing tomorrow, we'll post that event later on in the week.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Walking in a winter wonderland!

Okay maybe not a winter wonder land but the closest thing to it being not even October yet. We woke this morning to a steaming 31 degrees and to our surprise snow! Not much but still snow! Snow? Already? We found out that Boise is still in the 80's for highs. Gotta love Rawlins, WY. We'll send pictures of Harrison making a snowman in the next few days!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weekend Hiking Trip 09-19-09

This weekend we drove up to Lake Marie in the Snowy Mnt Range elevation 8238ft, this lake is at the base of Medicine Bow peak. This peak reaches up 12013+ft total elevation. Harrison and Yvonne walked around the lake and fished. Me and Dakota hiked up on a trail to the top of the west peak which was 11920ft, had great views along the way. Took a lot of pictures from the top. (No bears or Mountain Lions). After talking with fellow hikers there is a 7 mile trail that goes from the trail head up to west peak where I was with Dakota then goes up to the Medicine Bow Peak main before circling several lakes, maybe leave that adventure for another weekend! Side note, my bear spray accidentally discharged while hiking to the peak spraying my thigh through my pants. Had to administer a little first aid. It burned for a good hour! At least now we know it works! We had a great time and enjoyed getting out and about once again. Hope everyone enjoys the pictures and is doing well. Less then two weeks from today we'll be back in Boise! We cant wait. Take care.

Hiking Trip Pics Cont'd 09-19-09

Views from the top of Medicine Bow West Peak-11,920ft

Hiking Trip Pics Cont'd 09-19-09

Dakota chasing ground squirrels
Self portrait half way up
Lake Marie
Medicine Bow Peak main

Hiking Trip Pics Cont'd 09-19-09

Yvonne & Harrison Lake Marie, WY
Medicine Bow Peak main-Snowy Mnt Range
Harrison getting ready at the trail head
Medicine Bow Peak west (to the left where Dakota and I reached) & the main peak to the right

Monday, September 7, 2009

Favorite Past Time

A few pictures of Harrison's new hobby, catching grasshoppers and keeping them in his "bug house". There's always good places around here. He then likes to get them out of the cage and play with each one, a few he's named! We'll all be back in Idaho in less then a month, really looking forward to spending some time with everyone! Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend.