Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fishing trip-Fall Creek Lake

Harrison and Dad went on a fishing trip north of Lowell, OR about 45min from Cottage Grove. Found a great trout fishing spot above the lake. But by the time they arrived it was time to head back, but nothing like scouting a good fishing hole! Everyone we talked to had caught their limit that day. We had to hike down a little to one spot along the creek as you can see! Oregon fish and game regularly stock several ponds and lakes within an hour drive, so Harrison and Dad plan on many more fishing adventures this summer. Hope all is well, love and miss everyone!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Family Pictures

We left Cottage Grove the day before Mother's Day and stayed the entire week. It was great to be back home among friends and family. Harrison especially had a good time as he went shooting twice, once with Uncle Ryan and another time with Uncle Jef. He's pretty proud of himself for shooting an AR-15 and has the spent casing in his room to keep! We got a chance to get on the BSU field, a first for us. Anyway enjoy the pictures and we look forward to a Yates family visit in early August!

Famous Potato race

Last week we went back to Idaho to visit family and to have Beau run his third Famous Potato. After training for 10 weeks his goal was a sub 2 hour, he finished in 1hr:54min:30sec! Harrison as always ran the last little bit with daddy! Afterwords we enjoyed some cold beers and good food at the Ram downtown Boise! Enjoy this pictures!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend coast trip

This past Sunday the weather broke with 70's sun and no rain so we decided that would be a great opportunity to hit the beach. We drove up to Winchester Bay and ate lunch at Unger's Bay which is actually a restaurant floating in the bay, the fish and chips were awesome with even better views. After lunch we headed down to the beach, built a fire and had fun just hanging out, then we got a great view from the light house. Looking forward to taking some family and friends to now some of our familiar spots on the coast! Enjoy the pictures!