Sunday, November 29, 2009

At Home with Grant!

We were able to bring Grant home on Friday 11/27/09. It was a fun adventure home especially since we were 96 miles away from home. Grant did great only cried towards the last 5 minutes of the trip, because he was hungry. The trip was much harder on Mommy, but we all made it and were happy to be home at last. Grant proves to be a very calm little man, he doesn't cry much, unless we are changing his diapers. His big brother Harrison is wonderful with him and is very eager to help with whatever is needed. Again, it is so precious to watch the boys together, makes Mommy and Daddy's hearts melt. Hopefully, the boys will always act like this!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Grant Jackson 1st pictures

Grant Jackson Yates was born November 25, 2009. He was born at 1813 weighing in at 8lbs 2oz and 20.25 inches long. Compared to his brothers he is tiny, but very precious. Here are a few pictures introducing Grant to the world. Harrison is a very proud 'big' brother and loves Grant very much.

Grant just minutes old, not too happy!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

weekend update

Not much going on with the Yates family here in "middle of no where" Rawlins. We're just waiting for Grant to get here which is coming soon. In less then a month we'll travel to Laramie and have Grant Jackson Yates. We all cant wait, Harrison is especially excited. What an awesome thing that will be to have a baby in the house, thinking about changing all those dirty diapers just brings a tear to my eye! :) We didnt get out this weekend or do much but one thing we finally got done was arranging Grants room or what was the office here at the house. Got the crib setup, dresser and moved box after box to the garage that didnt belong. This up and coming weekend we plan on getting a few decorations for his room, maybe some wall paper border and some stickers for the wall. We're going to try our best to make his room look like a decent nursery. I still havent started working at the post office but did apply for the Rawlins carrier position, much more pay then the Sinclair post office job but we're thinking I can do both. I should start work at the Sinclair PO sometime after the 21st of November and should hear about the Rawlins gig soon. We plan on making a trip to WALMART this weekend! How awesome is that! That will make our week. Speaking off, this week school for Harrison, more HB for me and work for Yvonne. The weather is supposed to be cool but sunny. We hope everyone had a great weekend and we'll talk soon. We love and miss everyone. Take care, The Yates'

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

Well we had a happy Rawlins Wyoming Halloween despite cold temps with of course high winds. Harrison dressed up as Iron Man, we borrowed a Cow costume from a friend but he wanted to be the super hero instead! The town opened up the Rec Center to trick or treat'ers, so we went there for a little while. They had a bouncy house setup for the kids, Harrison had fun jumping around! Then after we went over to some friends in town that have two little boys, they all got to go up and down the street getting more and more candy along the way. All total Harrison got close to 70 pieces of candy that of course he'll split with mom & dad!

Things have been going about the same with us. Beau will start working at the Sinclair/Rawlins post office in a few weeks, Yvonne still working and counting down until she starts pregnancy leave early December and Harrison is having fun and getting along great at his school. We hope everyone enjoys the pictures and we'll talk soon!!