Sunday, September 12, 2010

Catchin' Crab's-Winchester Bay

Another good week for the Yates'. Weather was rainy and overcast for a few days (was told we are getting a taste of what winter feels like here) then it was mild and sunny-perfect weather with no wind, we couldnt ask for anything better weather wise. The Yates family took another trip to the coast Saturday and went crabbing in Winchester Bay. The area always seems to have decent weather, it was mid 60's not a cloud in the sky and minimal wind-a perfect day to be outside on the coast! We caught 5 keepers along with one huge crab-biggest one yet! After crabbing for the better part of the day we had lunch on the beach then Harrison and Dad fished off the Jetty-didnt catch anything but they had fun trying out their new fishing gear! Sunday involves a lot of football watching-a few cold beers-hot wings and maybe a trip out to the lake this afternoon to fish again. Here in a few weeks we plan on exploring down south on HWY 101 into Coos Bay-North Bend and Gold Beach area, maybe hit the red wood national forest-we also still want to see Crater Lake sometime soon. Hope everyone had a great weekend and has a better week! Take care! Here

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